Regardless of whether you’re a business owner, employee, or stay- at-home parent, you are your own life CEO. And whether you realize it or not, you’re accountable to your own internal board of directors. Perhaps your board has been asleep at the wheel and has given you the jolt you need to get back on track. That’s okay; know that you’re not alone. But you can get back on track, and this book provides the blueprint for doing exactly that.
Life CEO
- Are you feeling unfulfilled?
- Do you want to focus on your life's work, rather than your busy work?
- Are you ready for a life of more fun, freedom, and fulfillment?
- Do you feel that you need more energy to achieve your goals?
- Do you want to reap the rewards of a wholistic life?
Regardless of whether you’re a business owner, employee, or stay- at-home parent, you are your own life CEO. And whether you realize it or not, you’re accountable to your own internal board of directors. Perhaps your board has been asleep at the wheel and has given you the jolt you need to get back on track. That’s okay; know that you’re not alone. But you can get back on track, and this book provides the blueprint for doing exactly that.
Maybe your life has felt a little out of control. Maybe you’re feeling stuck, in whatever form that means for you personally. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place. You’re about to embark on a journey that’s all about empowering you to take back control, and start being the life CEO you were destined to be.